Five Top Tips on Marketing EFT
My good friend Dawn Clarkson is an accountant. She now runs a thriving accountancy practice in North Yorkshire with several hundred clients, a growing number of staff and offices in grand Thornborough Hall.
When I first met Dawn, more than ten years ago, she had just ten clients and did their tax returns on her kitchen table. Now you might find it strange that I am writing an article about marketing EFT and starting by telling you about my accountant but everything that took Dawn from the kitchen table to Thornborough Hall applies to EFT. Here are five tips I’ve learned from watching her business blossom and how I’ve applied them to my own EFT practice which in the same time has grown from seeing a few clients in my spare room to running international EFT events.

1: People buy From People they Like
When we are marketing EFT we are marketing a service and a service is always personal. Think about the other services you buy: your hairdresser; cleaner; electrician; yoga teacher, financial adviser. Do you like these people? Do you enjoy doing business with them? If you didn’t would you continue to do so? Do you refer business to them?
Dawn and I often go to business networking events together and I see how people enjoy talking with her. They ask her for her business card, she doesn’t have to offer it. She is nice to be with and pleasant to interact with. She is interested in you and your business and so does not need to push hers.
When writing a leaflet or website copy, write from the point of view of the reader and not about yourself and your qualifications. Write in a conversational style remembering WIFM. Or “what’s in it for me?” which is the question in the back of your reader’s mind. My first tip is BE NICE!

2: Put Your Vibration Out There
Walking through Leyburn with Dawn is a slow process because in the short length of the High Street she is stopped by at least half a dozen people saying hello. Her name and face are known throughout the town and known for fairness, integrity, generosity and efficiency. Dawn has involved herself in community projects from amateur dramatics to running a Wine and Dine club. Every week new clients turn up by word of mouth. Now I am not suggesting that you have to take to the boards of your local drama group but you do need to get to know and be known by your community.
There are many other ways to get known and known for EFT. EFT communities are blossoming online. So all it takes to get your name out there repeatedly is your time and energy to write articles. Every time you tap: it’s a potential article so get into the habit of writing and posting articles (remembering to respect confidentiality). Then spend a little time online joining and contributing to every EFT community you can find. Get your name out there.
Build a website and put your own vibration into it. Your own writing. Your own photos. Many of the people who come to my trainings or for one-to-one sessions, whether from across town or across Europe, say that they chose me because they liked my photographs. Put your self, your uniqueness into your site. Even if someone builds it for you make sure the writing, colours and design express you – remember PEOPLE CHOOSE PEOPLE who are OUT THERE.

3: Invest in Yourself
Dawn is constantly learning something or getting interested in something new then feeding that into her business life. My next tip is to make technology your best friend and to invest in your written and spoken communication skills. If you don’t like computers, then either accept that in the twenty first century you are handicapping yourself or tap for your resistance and get some training. Computers are now nowhere near as scary as they used to be.
I started from scratch and built three websites for almost no cost at all, just by learning as I went along. Invest in your skills. There are many free or low cost computer training courses through Learn Direct or Business Link. Learn how to edit your own website and keep it fresh and up to date. I started by using Adobe Contribute and have now graduated to WordPress.
Invest in your writing skills. Go on a creative writing workshop or journalism course so that your articles really draw people as well as informing them. Learn digital photography so that the images on your website contain your vibration. Take a public speaking or presentation skills class and tap till you feel comfortable and confident in front of an audience and can be your natural best when introducing EFT. Have an image make over so that you look as good as you sound and feel. Go on Marketing courses to learn practical tips for online and offline marketing. You are running a business so browse the business books as well as the self help books – get interested in marketing. To get OUT THERE you need to INVEST IN YOURSELF.

4: Under Sell and Over Deliver
When Dawn is your accountant you always get a bit extra. Whether its more time or more information or an introduction to a potential client or a speaking opportunity. She is generous with her time and energy. With EFT this means building in over-run time between sessions or giving free advice through your website and articles (articles again) or free group introduction sessions. If clients can’t pay then ask for a testimonial or permission to write an article (articles again) as an exchange. As a trainer I offer repeat-for-free so that students can come back and repeat my trainings without charge . For the website and my newsletters I am always looking for something of value that I can give away.
That’s the key, do or give something that the receiver feels grateful for and you have made a step to building a relationship so that they will be back for more. Be their Hero. And it goes without saying: be really good at what you do. Practice, practice, practice and keep on learning. INVEST IN YOURSELF so that you can build your CONFIDENCE TO DELIVER.

5: See it, Feel it, Talk it, Be it
Dawn is always talking about the future: plans for expanding her business into new territory or taking on specialist staff. Whenever we meet she has six new ideas, three projects in development, and one coming to fruition. She turns chance meetings, or snippets of news, into visions that inspire and excite her. Have lots of dreams, indulge yourself in dreams – they are free and some of them will make it to reality. Don’t be discouraged when some fail to fly, just dream up some more. Spend lots of time day dreaming up EFT ideas.
My EFT for Animals workshop started as a dream to teach surrogate tapping and now its there on the website and several people have registered. Whenever I list a workshop on my website, in my mind’s eye I see the room full of people at that time of the year. Then I talk about it, to myself or anyone around to listen. I write about it. Or I go into the conference room and pretend it. I introduced this year’s EFT Gathering by saying to the 120 full seats “Wow! You are real!” because several times I had stood there and spoken an imaginary audience.
When there is an obstacle or an unknown, tap and then put out the question to the universe: “How can I….?” then keep your eyes and ears open for the answer ready to take action. Be CONFIDENT to DREAM IT AND BE IT.

Now Its Your Turn
Now its your turn to make these tips your own and to plant the seeds of growth in your own way for your own successful business. And remember that seeds need nourishment, protection and several seasons to germinate and grow up big and strong. It takes time, patience and persistence to build a thriving practice.
Along the way both Dawn and I have had our frustrations, despair , and those low points where it seemed like nothing was working. That’s how a seed grows, if you sit and watch it then it seems like nothing is happening but keep watering and feeding and each year its taller and stronger.
Dawn Clarkson is an EFT Practitioner as well as an excellent accountant. If you are looking for an accountant who loves what you do and is interested in helping you do more then you can contact her
by Gwyneth Moss, EFT Master