Help Others with EFT
To help others get free of the past and dump their emotional baggage is tremendously rewarding. EFT enriches the practices of professionals and helps good friends to help each other. EFT training helps Mums and Dads, work colleagues, sports or business coaches, music teachers and spiritual leaders to help others let go of shock and stress. EFT is for all of us to help ourselves, and like dancing we gain more when we do it together.
EFT Enriches a Therapy Practice
Increasing numbers of integrative psychotherapists and counsellors are incorporating EFT as a therapeutic tool and finding that their clients like it. Complementary therapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Acupuncturists find that clearing emotional problems helps the body to heal.
Asking your clients to talk about their problems whilst tapping on their faces may seem to be nothing like conventional therapy methods. However the results are generally immediate and lasting. A growing body of research is confirming the effectiveness of EFT in therapy.

Why Learn EFT?
EFT is Calming. Tapping acts on the arousal centres of the brain to calm sudden or on-going emotional intensity. Calming is built into the EFT process so that we can be gentle in helping even the most distressed.
EFT Connects. Often our questions searching for the history of a problem are met with ‘dunno’. With EFT we start with the subjective experience of hear and now. As tapping calms so clarity emerges with memories and meaning.
EFT Clears. Skilful EFT quickly transforms a painful memory from ‘reliving’ to ‘retelling’. Nothing is lost or forgotten, it just doesn’t get remembered in the same way. The joy of a client who’s worst memory no longer has a grip is reward in itself.
EFT Completes. Once the past is cleared, tapping helps to create a compelling direction for the desired future. And should action plans uncover further blocks we go back to EFT to unstick that stuck stuff.
How is EFT Different?
EFT is Simple. This is not a “clever dick” technique that requires the mastery of complex language patterns or indirect ways of manipulating others.
EFT is Respectful. You don’t have to ask intrusive personal questions or to ask someone to tell you a story they would rather keep private. And you don’t have to ask them to shut their eyes or to believe in anything.
EFT is Empowering. When you help someone with EFT you also teach them EFT and they take the tool with them to use themselves for whatever issue they choose.
EFT is Flexible and helps in one to one therapy; or coaching; as a self help tool; in group work; by phone or skype; with children and the elderly; and we can even help animals.
EFT Helps You Too. We people-helpers need to release our own stress and disturbances. Having the skill to balance your own emotional energy is sure to enhance your effectiveness and well-being.
Good Training is Essential
EFT is for Everyone and has spread far and wide. There is much sloppy EFT on the internet that can still get results – some of the time. For a therapist offering a paid service to the public sloppy is not good enough. Having the confidence to tap with a wide variety of people and get consistent results we need to be skilful in our use of EFT. This means being able to work at the client’s pace with a flowing and natural style.
Unfortunately the wide and rapid spread of EFT has resulted in a great range of trainings and qualifications. Many of these sound grand but the reality may disappoint. Do not be blinded by impressive looking titles or credentials. Check the person out and form your own conclusions. This is why we started The EFT Guild.

A Psychotherapist says:
“EFT is an excellent therapeutic tool. With endless possibilities for the healing of emotional and physical problems . I cannot think of any other such therapy tool that offers such a gift.
As a Psychotherapist, I now integrate EFT with conventional counselling methods. If I have a client with problems which they find difficult to talk about, or to do so would cause them great distress, using the EFT techniques enables me to get to the underlying memories and dissolve the emotional intensity associated gently and without invading their privacy or causing any additional pressure or distress.
The very fact that a person can participate in healing their own issues is another advantage. It helps to boost their confidence and self esteem as they feel they are actually ‘doing’ something for themselves. They are able to take the tapping home with them to use between sessions.
I also use EFT on myself to clear up old issues from my own past, it helps me to become a calmer, clearer, better therapist.” Susan Myers