Kind Words from Gwyneth’s Students
Here are kind words sent in emails or left on feedback forms. I am so honoured and grateful to have been able to teach this magical technique of EFT to so many lovely people.
“Thank you so much for another inspiring course. I came away feeling even more motivated to use EFT on anything and everything”
“Tapping is astounding! Thank you for sharing it with me. I am so glad I met you and chose to train with you “
“As I looked over my records the difference in how I work with clients since training with you has been truly remarkable”
“I really enjoyed the EFT training last weekend, you were a great trainer Gwyneth. It was brilliant.”
“Thanks again for a brilliant practitioners course, I really really enjoyed it all. Your passion, enthusiasm and demonstration of real skill as a practitioner and trainer made it one of the best training courses I have ever attended”
“I just want to thank you Gwyneth for the amazing workshop you presented to us. I’ve been studying Gary Craig’s first two libraries on my own for the past 2 years and took your course so I could work towards getting certified. I wasn’t sure that I would learn more than I had already learned. I was so mistaken! Your training was more than I could have possibly have imagined and I learned a wealth of information to help my clients. I’ve always felt isolated in my knowledge of EFT and now I have a true community 🙂 “

” I have been putting your training to as much use as possible and have found immense pleasure in helping people discover EFT and its benefits. However, the more I’ve learned, the more I’ve learnt that there is loads STILL TO LEARN! I’m enjoying the “journey” Your dvds are wonderful and give me lots of tapping inspiration”
“I’m not often stuck for words but following my recent trainings with you, I’ve found it difficult to adequately express my deep gratitude for all you contribute to the world of EFT. You’ve certainly inspired me with fresh enthusiasm, focus, and the hope to go to the very highest levels in my practice work sharing EFT with young people, their teachers, and carers in the deprived areas of inner city London. People are telling me they’re ready for EFT, and thanks to you – I’m now really ready to deliver! (as I say in schools ..) What a Star You Are!”
“Thank you for helping me use EFT on my craving for bread. Today at school it was French day, the children were having baguettes, croissants, and brochette but I only had a tiny taste of croissant and left it, I didn’t touch any bread at all and didn’t want to!!! It was a real test and 24 hours later still no more bread and I am not even sad!”
“When I did Level 2 with you last year we did a bit of tapping on my habit of buying fitness equipment and it quickly turning into very expensive clothes hanging equipment. After the course I found a personal trainer. I also did some EFT work on why I might hate doing any kind of exercise which threw up stuff I had buried pretty well. Now I’ve started doing kung-fu, which is something I would never have done with out the tapping, so thank you very much”

“There were lots of stories and examples used to illustrate each teaching point and help to connect with content and connect content to future practice. Getting to try it out then & there built confidence and friendships. A whole weekend felt very needed, I can’t imagine that a one day workshop could be very useful or safe”
“I am so appreciative of the EFT class you taught in San Francisco! Your skill as a teacher kept me rapt with attention even tho I usually have a hard time sitting still for that length of time. I much appreciated your mix of lecture with demonstration – just the right balance- and the case stories you told added a tangible aspect as well as much appreciated humor. Your presentation and stamina are superb and I feel very lucky to have attended your class”
“I’m still so grateful and thankful for the EFT training in San Francisco, and how beautifully you have presented a clear learning pathway to elegant EFT delivery. I went back through your workbooks, an additional pass through the materials impressed me all over again with your clear vision. Yesterday in a tapping session with a dear friend who’d not experienced it before, and using the simple ‘grandmother’ questions and simple tapping I watched her throw off shackles of long duration, just in the space of an hour or so. Thanks again!”
“Since the EFT course I have changed how I see the world and my own problems/issues. And I am helping others from a different perspective so I guess EFT must have changed me: I now see the emotional freedom. I used EFT with 2 of my students and my sister who is going through divorce and health problems. My students are now tapping on themselves and colleagues…..and having some giggles as well!! You have to have fun especially if you are a suspicious skeptic as I was! I also use EFT on myself and find that I am a calmer less anxious person even if there is much stress around me at work. So a big thank you for you and to my friend who brought me into this world of EFT”

“Thanks! Your training was much appreciated and valued by our group. EFT continues to work for me! Plus I introduced tapping to a long term client with bipolar and she could not believe how much it calmed her. Her words were ‘That was so quick, so much more effective than breathing exercises’ “
“Thank you so much for our weekend EFT training, I took such a lot home with me. I have tried EFT with two clients with very good results and I am tapping for myself everyday, I feel more energised and eager to start the day!“
“Gwyneth, I thought you were wonderfully professional. You paced the weekend just right. You seemed to have the right amount of material, so that we didn’t come away overloaded with information or overwhelmed by too much literature. I also enjoyed the feedback sessions, feedback is so very important, as this is the time that everyone’s exchanging ideas too, not just getting the obviously valuable comments from the trainer. You always allowed us time for this”
“I wanted to share something with you that happened last week that just blew me away. I was having my 2nd session with a client and at the end, she was of course amazed at how effective EFT is but what she told me brought tears to my eyes and reinforced just how awesome it is to be an EFT practitioner. She told me that she had accomplished more in 2 sessions with me than she had in 10 years of therapy. That was such a gift and something I’ll never forget. I love what I do. I love helping people and EFT is the most wonderful tool”
“Thank you so much for a wonderfully inspiring and empowering course this weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed it and feel much more confident in my ability to help people with EFT. You are a very good teacher and you allow your ‘students’ to learn a huge amount in a very short period of time. I personally feel very inspired and confident to get going”

“I had already done EFT Level 1 with another trainer and was reluctant to do Gwyneth’s Foundations thinking that I would be bored – how wrong was I!!! This was fantastic. There was so much more in this, more depth and more breadth and I came away with so much more confidence and real skill”
“I just want to say thanks for your inspiring teaching this weekend. You have a special way of taking out the hype which I love, i.e. pure simplicity for the client’s benefit.”
“Thanks for the EFT workshop, I’m now watching the EFT DVDs, they are fantastic, and are really consolidating what I learned with you. Its good to be able to watch you over and over and to remember your teaching and my experiences in the class”
“Thank you so much Gwyneth for such an excellent weekend. It way surpassed my expectations. You really are a superb and very skilled teacher and communicator who teaches in a very supportive style. I love being taught by someone like yourself. Having been at the receiving end of some appalling teaching in the past, I really enjoy good teaching skills. Your examples & metaphors were so good, I think I may be borrowing some! I always try to teach my own students using stories & metaphors as it really helps the learning to stick.”
“A very big thank you for the wonderful experience of doing the EFT Foundations workshop. I have learned so much and it was hugely enjoyable. You made it all effortless and easy for us to learn, I now feel much more confident in using EFT and more able to make it work for me and others. I’m really looking forward to doing level 2!
“Thank you for the demonstration session you did to help me with my persistent head and neck pain since the accident. I’m pleased to report that I still feel great with no pain and this morning when I went for my usual swim, I swam further than ever before which is brilliant! Thank you for your help, it’s made a real difference to me.”

“This is the most therapeutic training I have ever attended! I feel I’ve received so much personal benefit – its like I’m lighter and the future looks brighter”
“Since the workshop I’ve been working with one lady with severe anxiety, reactive depression, insomnia and some life limiting habits. Hypnotherapy has been helpeful, but its the EFT that has shifted her hugely in a month – she has gone from looking like someone in reduced means to a person who radiates health and wellbeing . There is still work to do, it’s just fabulous to have this tool to help people help themselves”
“I’m feeling so excited about all the tapping possibilities – thank you again Gwyneth for your excellent EFT training, it’s been wonderful and I feel so much more confident now”
“I just wanted to say thanks again for the training course the other week. I thoroughly enjoyed it and seem to be a changed woman! Although I still haven’t resolved the over eating issue completely, my life does seem to have changed. Identifiying the ‘I’m not good enough’ belief and clearing it, has freed me significantly and now I’m free to ‘take part’ in life, wonderful things are starting to happen! Thank you Gwyneth.”
“Thanks for the lovely EFT Foundation Course at the weekend. It was very well organised and good value for money. I have dramatically reduced my level of anxiety about various challenges and I feel excited about the freedom available at my fingertips! “
“Thank you so much for the EFT Foundations weekend, even though I have been using EFT for quite a while, you were so right….you filled in all the bits I did not know or had forgotten. I am so looking forward to seeing you again for level 2 …..how about that for inspiration…you are a star!!! “
“I have now trained with a number of people in the field of alternative therapy including Dr Bandler the genius behind NLP, and I think your training is fantastic!! I look forward to continuing my learning of EFT with you as it is my intention to progress as far as I possibly can. I am interested in attending your level 3 advance course in the future. In the meantime I have quite a few DVD’s to get through !!”
“Gwyneth, I just wanted to say thank you for providing such a refreshing and stimulating weekend of EFT training, You shared so much of yourself and your skills, which I really appreciated both personally and professionally”

“So much more than I expected. I learned the technique, yes, and I also came away myself feeling lighter and unburdened. I met some delightful people who I know will become good friends, we are already e-mailing each other and plan to come back for your Advanced course. And a really special memory I take away is that walk by the river in the morning – so peaceful.”
“The “Art of Delivery” Advanced course knocked my socks off! It was so much fun letting go of the rules and giving myself permission to fly. This weekend has changed my whole approach to therapy and I’m ready to be a true artist. WOW!”
“I want to thank you for all you gave me over the weekend EFT course. I left feeling inspired and totally full of confidence at continuing the learning process, and being able to help the people I come in contact with.”
“Thank you so much for such a fascinating and fun weekend! The course was everything I hoped it would be as it has given me the confidence to use the technique in ways I could never have picked up from just reading about EFT. I have already tried it with my very sceptical husband and in particular very much copied your casual style and laid back approach – ‘why not give it a go , it may not work but …… etc’ – with excellent results. He said to me this morning ‘It’s ironic but I feel so much better.’ – ironic?! I also really appreciated your welcoming but efficient organisation and the pace of the teaching, you really are an excellent communicator Gwyneth and it soon became apparent why students would travel so far to be in your class! Thank you again”

“I’m now using EFT with just about every client who walks through the door and the results are incredible so I would really like to come on the advanced training.”
“Gwyneth, thanks for such a brilliant and informative weekend! I am totally free of a very painful shoulder I have had since last October, so you can imagine my enthusiasm for and confidence in EFT now!”
“Thank you, Gwyneth, for this weekends EFT training, it was done in a loving, down to earth and professional way and it was really enjoyable as well as truly educational”
“Over the last few months since the EFT workshop my life is blossoming , expanding and transforming. Old doubts, dreads and worries seem to have evaporated and everyday I am welcoming something new in my life. Quite simply I am calmer and I am Me in a way I have never been before”