Gwyneth’s EFT Innovations
Gwyneth is an innovator of Advanced EFT techniques. Tapping is a seemingly simple tool and yet there is art, craft and skill in its delivery and always more to learn. Innovations are only of value if, whilst extending the original work, they remain congruent with the guiding principles.
Gwyneth’s Advanced EFT innovations are skilful ways of tuning into energetic patterns using imagery, perceptual positions, role play and projection. Just like in classic EFT it is the tapping which is the change agent. These are clean processes: there is no leading, no suggestion and no conscious manipulation of imagery or experience. Join The EFT Guild for Advanced EFT practitioner courses and resources.
New Vision EFT
Most EFT teaching has a focus on techniques but leaves you confused as to what to do and when. New Vision EFT is simply a new perspective that gives a bigger picture and guides you to fit EFT to your client. Three structures: a four phase process; three factors in time; and two client presenting dimensions give you a roadmap to using EFT with confidence and skill.
EFT Imagineering
Our Imagination is the translator between the body language of symptoms and the verbal language of the mind. EFT Imagineering is a delightful technique that Gwyneth developed to use for physical conditions that do not have any pain. George Duisman interviews Gwyneth about EFT Imagineering.
Protective Distancing
Sometimes a memory cannot be spoken. Either because it could be just too overwhelming or because of guilt kept secret. Protective distancing uses imagery to get tapping inside the memory whilst keeping the conscious mind outside.
Distance EFT
If you are familiar with Reiki or distance healing you will not be surprised that we can offer EFT across time and space. Gwyneth developed the Three Phase Surrogate EFT protocol as an ethical and accessible way of teaching surrogate tapping. Listen to Gwyneth’s New York presentation and demonstration.
Self-Compassion EFT
Self Compassion EFT is Gwyneth’s skilful and respectful process for healing and reclaiming parts of ourselves lost in time and space. With this beautiful and profound process we heal the separations and wounds of childhood through self-compassion. There is then no need to change the past or interfere. Through this healing, what happened, happened but it no longer sticks and colours the future.
EFT Constellations
We are each the node of a web. A dual web formed by the physical links of our ancestral family and the spiritual links of our karmic soul group. Shock and stress from bygone ages can rupture and deform the web of life causing shock waves to travel through the generations to our living family. Gwyneth facilitates a group family constellations process with EFT to heal the web of life, thus calming the reverberations experienced in the present.
Drawing Techniques
Drawing accesses consciousness in a different way to talking. Asking “how are you?” or taking the history of an issue with drawing gathers information quickly and informs how we start tapping.
Projection Tapping
Emotion that we cannot handle we either suppress or project. Using toys and drawing we can access that which we project onto others and onto ourselves.
The Art of Delivery
Carol Look EFT Master and radio host interviews Gwyneth about creativity and the Art of Delivery of EFT