EFT for Dog Barking at the Sky

Alfi and the Balloons By Deborah Sampson On moving to our land in 2003, our dog Alfie developed the habit of barking frantically at all white lines in the sky from airplanes, as well as hot-air balloons. He would not stop and we could not calm him. He was then 3 years old. Our previous … Read more

EFT Helps Dying Cat

The Resurrection of Hamish By Jane Bennett I have an EFT animal tale which I thought might interest you. It’s a tale of EFT failing to do what it was intended for, but with great results! One of my cats, Hamish, is twenty years old. He has kidney problems and is on special diet and … Read more


EFT Helps Cat- Molly

Molly and the Vaccuum Cleaner Susan Myers writes: My cat Molly was always very timid and was particularly fearful of the vacuum cleaner, so much so that just hearing me bringing it down the stairs would see her fleeing to one of her hiding places. I attended the EFT Workshop  where we were to learn … Read more

EFT Helps Sick Dog

Ellie Gets Well Again by Jean Cotton When I take my dog out, there are some dogs and owners that I meet regularly and stop to chat. One, a little border terrier called Ellie, is a favourite. She was always lively and enthusiastic, and noisy! I hadn’t seen her for a while when we met … Read more

EFT Helps Heal Heartworms

Tapping for Shasta the Beagle  By Agatha Gelderloos www.tapintolife.net     I work with children in treatment foster care and bring my trained therapy dog Shasta (a Beagle) to work for comfort and connection for the children who have often experienced extreme trauma. I do EFT with the children also, but this story is about Shasta! … Read more

EFT Helps Dog that Runs Away

Rufus Runs to the Farm Dave role played his dog Rufus whilst we tapped over the phone.  This case is interesting because I was in North Yorkshire, UK; Rufus was in Brocton, New York and Dave was travelling in Michigan.    Hundreds, if not thousands of miles separated all three participants.  I had never met … Read more

EFT Helps Chihuahua

Stella gets Aggressive by Lindsay Boyer I have two small dogs that are the light of my life. Stella and Stanley are both Chihuahua’s that I rescued from a local shelter. Upon first glance, Stella is usually everyone’s’ favourite. She is confident and a little sassy at times. Since I first brought Stella home, she … Read more

EFT Helps Two Cats and a Puppy

Hi Everyone, EFT Master Gwyneth Moss from the UK helps us understand (1) how well EFT works for animals and (2) the power of surrogate EFT. Note how this was all done in a workshop setting where the animals were not even present. Hugs, Gary Craig Surrogate Tapping for Two Cats and a Puppy Dear … Read more

EFT Helps Shire Horse

Tapping for Jack Jack is an 18.2 hand Shire horse (that means he is a very, very big horse) belonging to a friend of a friend of Heather Smiles. Heather has never met Jack or his owners. Here is an e-mail dialogue between Heather and Jack’s Granny (his owner’s mother).  Heather has successfully used EFT … Read more